sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

JQuery - Part II

Declare Objects

You can create objects using JavaScript, also you can assign this object to a variable.

function object(param1, param2){
 this.param   = param1;
 this.param2= param2;

  my_function: function(){

var my_object = object(1, 2);


To access the properties use object.property

Ej:  var name =  object.param2;

Using JSON the syntax is    object['param2']


The arrays can be created with the following sintax

var array = new Array();
var array = new Array('obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3');
var array = ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3'];


$.inArray get the index where is the element.
var element_index = $.inArray('value', array);

Window object

Each time a tab is open a window object is created.


window.onFocus - tells when a tab is activated.

window.onBlur - detects when the tab lose the focus.


window.setTimeout( function(){}, 400) - Wait the defined time before call the function

window.setInterval( function(){}, 400) - interval between a function is run repeatedly

window.clearInterval( function(){} ) - wipes clear the schedule of repetead function calls

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