viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

Hibernate - Queries

Load an entity

There are two forms to get an entity with the methods load() or get().

public Category getCategory(Long catId) throws DataAccessException {
    return (Category) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()
                                              .load(Category.class, catId); }

public Category getCategory(Long catId) throws DataAccessException {
    return (Category) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()
.get(Category.class, catId); }
The difference are:
  • load()
    • Throws an exception if there isn't any row.
    • Has performane benefits.
  • get()
    • Return null if there isn't any row.
HibernateTemplate - Using Parameters with findByNamedParam
In case of use only one parameter, you need the query, parameter name and the value.
public List<ArtEntity> getArtworkInCategory(Long catId)
                                             throws DataAccessException {
    return this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(
        "select art from Category cat " +
        "join cat.artEntities art " +
        "where = :catId ",
        "catId", catId

In case of many parameters, you need the query, array with the parameters and the array with corresponding values

public Person authenticatePerson(String username, String password)
                   throws DataAccessException, AuthenticationException {

    List<Person> validUsers = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(
        "select people from Person people where" +
        "people.username = :username " +
        "and people.password = :password",
         new String[] {"username", "password"},
         new String[] {username, password }

    if (validUsers == null || validUsers.size() <= 0) {
        throw new AuthenticationException("No users found");
    } else {
        return validUsers.get(0);

Hibernate Core APIs - Using Parameters

public Person authenticatePerson(String username, String password)
                      throws DataAccessException, AuthenticationException {

    Person validUser =
        (Person) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "select people from Person people where" +
            "people.username = :username " +
            "and people.password = :password")
            .setString("username", username)
            .setString("password", password)

    if (validUser == null) {
            throw new AuthenticationException("No users found");
} else {
        return validUser;

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