viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Project First Steps

Develop a project managment plan

I write this as result of taking one Project course and the main points are:

  1. Establish the project duration
  2. Calendar configuration
    • Before start writing the activities configure the calendars to manage the tiem that each team member is going to be have in the project
    • Configure the labors hours and hollidays
    • Option: Project -> Change work time -> Create calendar
    • To manage globally the calendars and share between different projects
    • Option: File->Information->Calendars->  
    • Activity duration is different to the duration of the labor day
  3. Activities
    • Define the block of activities 
    • Select Format -> Schema number,  to list the activities
    • Relation between activities
      • Finish to Start
      • Finish to Finish
      • Start to Start
      • Start to Finish
    • Define Automatic or Manual dependency between activities
      • Always work with tasks of the same level
  4. Milestone
    • Used to define a point of control
    • Define dependency between milestones
  5. Constraints
    • All the activities has to be programed as automatic, if not the type of constrains are unavailable.
    1. Deadline.- Before type a deadline will appear a green arrow pointing the date
    2. Constraints
      1. As late as possible
      2. As soon as possible
      3. Finish no earlier than
      4. Finish no later than
      5. Must finish on
      6. Must start on
      7. Start no earlier than
      8. Start no later than
    3. Date constraints 
  6. Resources
    • Use View -> Details
    • Formula   Work = Duration * Resources (Unit)

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