lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

AJAX - Tabs C#

I had a problem at the moment of hide a tab and after show (active) another tab. This cause me an error in javascript.


  • The first time the TabContainer is shown, ajax read the number of tabs and is all the tabs he knows.
    • In my case at the beginning show 2 tabs and hide other 2 tabs 
  •  In the aspx bind the method OnActiveTabChanged="TabContainerUpdate_ActiveTabChanged"
    • In the method TabContainerUpdate_ActiveTabChanged I add the condition: 
      • if (TabContainerUpdate.ActiveTabIndex != 0)
                    TabContainerUpdate.ActiveTabIndex = 1;
    • With this condition when I show another tab I assigned the new tab to the second index that ajax knows 
    • I prefer to use the ActiveTabIndex property instead of ActiveTab



  • The error is caused because at the beginning ajax only know that have 2 tabs, and when reload the page in an AutoPostback try to go to another tab with index bigger that 2

viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

Python - Basics


Basics commands

Show all the defined functions

Show function description


print the scope in which the functionality is been executed

Define a function

  • Type word def follow by name function with the parameters
  • Type word return with the functionality
Ex:   def f(x):  return x**2


Inside your function description define the result expected inside the comments.

>>> function_name(parameter_value)

>>> function_name(parameter_value_2)

To run the test cases type

import doctest

You can also run the test cases after your return statement, so each time you include your function the test cases are executed.


You can also use Unit Test 
  1. Import unittest
  2. Create a class inherits from unittest.TestCase
    • class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):
  3. Create your test case 
    • def test_name(self):
  4. Use self.assertEqual()
  5. Execute the test cases with unittest.main(exit=False)

Consideration for test cases

Take in consideration these cases:
  • Size
  • Dichotomies 
    • True/False
    • Even/Odd
  • Boundaries
  • Order

Define a class

  1. Type the name of the class and inside the parenthesis the class you want to import
  2. Define your default constructor
  3. Define your methods

class MyClass(str):

    def __init__(param1, param2):
        self.var1 = param1

    def paly(s):
        print (__name__)
        return len(s)

Define methods with default value in parameters

def method_name(param , param2=default_value):

Then you can call method in these ways:

  • method_name(2)  or 
  • method_name(2, 'aa')  


Each function performs as one of the following functions
  • Lineal 
  • Exponential
  • Logarithmic
log2(n) is the number of times we divide n by 2 in order to reach 1

To evaluate a function python have the library cProfile


Use the following syntaxis


except  exceptionType:

except exceptionType as e:
   print (e)

As recommendation can use assert to verify preconditions